Show Notes & Playlists!
A Handpicked Mix {Fresh or Frozen}
A Handpicked Mix {Fresh or Frozen} Frozen: The First Hour is all New Indie and Alternative Music. Frozen: The Second Half is all Requests and Suggestions! Air date 10.12.2022 on WDRT with DJ Tea and Mr Announcer Man. Some songs might not be available yet, on Apple Music.
We are archiving past shows, show notes and playlists there!
🚀 Inspired by Fall Harvest, Dedicated To all the People Who Grow Food!
🎶 Spotify Playlist:
📓 Archive Link
🛸 Extra Links! {Indie Spotlight} 🛸
🎸 Kilbey Kennedy
Fun facts:
🔥 It's a crowdfunding campaign so it won't get made if we don't reach the 300 QTY minimum.
🔥 It will begin manufacturing when the campaign is over Nov 5.
🔥 Be very aware the vinyl will not be ready until May or June or later 2023. That's how long vinyl manufacturing takes.
🔥 Strongly recommend you order it now and not wait - record flippers are currently selling previous vinyl Jupiter 13 for $125 minimum
🔥 I'll send you a download code on October 28
🔥 Money raised in the pre-sale will cover the cost of manufacture and shipping and 100% of anything left over will go directly to Steve and Martin
🎸 Jeff Elbel + Ping
These songs are from the Jeff Elbel + Ping album called The Threefinger Opera.
Listeners can hear the album at ping.bandcamp.com. LPs and CDs are available.
"Waiting Room" includes guest vocalist Derri Daugherty of the Choir singing with Maron Gaffron and me. Derri's a huge fan of the Church.
👩 Mommy heads
🎶 Ben Velasco & Flash Images
The new single is Change of Pace, but there a couple more singles that will be on this record. The new record is called “CLOUDS IN THE NIGHT SKY” and will be available in about three weeks. (The First Week In October!)
THEN, They get ready for the big trip to England. They will be playing at a festival called Moonlight Mashup in ALNWICK (way North by Scotland)
🎸 Peter Koppes
Peter Koppes Webpage
Here is a link to my video explaining Music Science with illustrations that I developed over several years to assist teaching songwriting and guitar theory. Even non-musicians might find this view of the metaphysical art of music enriching.

This image drawn by me is featured at the end of the Modes Of Music Illustrated video from previous post and showing all the 12 Keys of music as houses on a circular street with notes being leaves on the trees and the spiral slide representing portamento.
🎸 The Church
🎸 Snow Koppes
🛸 👽 Check Out The Comments, For More Fun! 👽 🛸
{Mr Announcer Man’s Comments Under Show Notes!}
Pond + Halo Maud.😎👍🏼 https://youtu.be/7ClOSwKKhd8
😎👍🏼 Marina
😎👍🏼Love Wet Leg!
Beach House.😎👍🏼
😎👍🏼Anyone else start to think “Benny and The Jets” when they hear the beginning of this one from Arctic Monkeys?
Death Cab For Cutie LIVE.😎👍🏼
😎👍🏼 Gorillaz videos are awesome! https://youtu.be/S03T47hapAc
😎👍🏼 Film School Bandcamp
👾hash tags 👾
#DJTEA #MrAnnouncerMan #eclecticwonderland #Wdrt #DriftlessCommunityRadio #MakeEveryDayDelightful #TheMommyHeads #KilbeyKennedy #PeterKoppes #TheChurch #EvanBlumAndMichelleRaitzin #AllIndiaRadio #BenVelascoAndFlashImages #JeffElbelandPing #TheHouseOfLove #RobynHitchcock #YeahYeahYeahs #SnowKoppes #Gorillaz #DeathCabForCutie #ArcticMonkeys #SurfAsylumRecords #ColinTurner #BeachHouse #Thao #WetLeg #Marina #Powersolo #PondandHaloMaud #ChrisCornell #StephenJay #DrabMajesty #PhoebeBridgers #CarolineRose #FilmSchool #Chvrches #TheHellecasters #WildNothing
🧜♀️ Thank You! We Hope Your Day Is Delightful!