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Moon Monkey’s


Show Date November 16th. Inspired By Memories Of Loved Ones & DJ Ghost. It Is Audities Show, and originally it was going in a different direction. This is a really hard week for me, it is a difficult anniversary week.

💜 on November 14th 2016, we lost my baby Brother, Mikey. He was only 34. Uncle Monkey, was a name given to him by Jaden, who was the son of His bestest friend, Megan. Jaden was also the Son that Mikey’s heart adopted as his own. (They were and are, family to us all). The name stuck, and I could not help but refer to Mikey as Uncle Monkey. It was a cute name; and I know it brought a kind of Joy to his heart, like nothing else could.

When Mikey was growing up, we would often listen to music together. I was a music junkie, and he grew up listening to a lot of my favorite tunes. Mikey also inherited my room when I moved away, along with the possession that I left. So, He ended up with my personal mixtape collection and often made a point to let me know that he was enjoying them.

This show is in Loving Memory of Mikey (Uncle Monkey) & Zeus.

While I was creating this weeks Mix, my ipad just stopped responding to what I was doing, and started playing random songs.

I noted these songs, and looked up the lyrics. I am not sharing the list publicly, it is personal. I had not heard half of the songs before; but one of the songs was on a mixtape I had made back in 1986, and I know it was on a few mixtapes Mikey had. Just as I was Beginning to think, this is so “Fringe”.. the closing, Title Credits, from the Show, “Fringe” started playing, and the mix ended. We refer to these events as DJ Ghost Mixes. I often recreate the list and date it. The last time this happened, it was on a different device, and we woke up to hearing music play. (There might be a playlist, coming up, that has a few of the songs on it.)

Sometimes when I am playing music, I can almost hear Mikey, like he is in the room with me.. listening along and enjoying the music with me. So much of todays mix, were inspired by these moments. Even the coffee songs, because I would often tell him he should visit me at work, and he would tell me about how he hated that place.

🐾 Zeus was my FurBaby for 14 years. He left with Uncle Monkey, On November 16th, 2017. We had been through so much together. He helped me through a lot of hard times; but we also had many amazing times and happy memories together. Zeus Loved Music and was Very Musical. We sang together and he often squeaked his toys, to music, like it was an instrument. Sometimes Zeus would sing along, and do his puppy dance, squeak his toys (completely on his own) when his favorite song came on. He also went to a few live shows, to see his favorite band, The Church.

Zeus Also loved coffee, and part of our daily routine was going to get coffee. He loved coffee shops and liked to sit next to me and casually lean over to lick the top of my coffee cup. He also had many friends that would come hang out with him to drink coffee. He was a very special little guy, and was my first service dog.

💕 Uncle Mikey, Zeus & Dude, Here Is A Fun Chill Mix for you to enjoy! 💕

💕 I love you all and Miss You, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very Much. 💕

Links & Stuff! {All Links Are Pink}

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In Loving Memory Of Uncle Monkey and Zeus.

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